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Privat og Mildred Bass

Ektemann Privat (detaljer er holdt tilbake for denne personen)


             Far: Martin Fisher "Fish" Davis (1866-1927)
             Mor: Laura Welch (1872-1942)


 Annen ektefelle: Privat

Hustru Mildred Bass

            Født: 12 Nov. 1903 - Abesville, Stone, Missouri, USA
             Død: 28 Nov. 1991 - Wayne, Wayne, Michigan
        Begravet:  - Spokane Cemetary, Christian Co., MO

             Far: William Calvin "Will" Bass (1875-1945)
             Mor: Nancy Elizabeth Simmons (1877-1960)

 Annen ektefelle: Horace-Leonidas Bessette - 24 Feb. 1926 - Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States

1 K June Marie Bessette

            Født: 6 Jun. 1924 - Garrett, DeKalb County, Indiana
             Død: 25 Juli 2005 - Melvindale, Wayne, Michigan, USA
        Begravet: 5 Aug. 2005 - Parkview Memorial Cemetery, Livonia, Michigan, USA
       Ektefelle: Charles Claude Casey Jr
          Ektesk: 5 Juli 1946 - Garret Methodist Church, Allen county, Indiana, USA

Generelle notater: Ektemann - Lester "Cal" Davis

DNA matched.
Two daughters Marion Davis m. Howard Shipman and Phyllis Davis m. David French.

Generelle notater: Hustru - Mildred Bass

Mildreds parents lived in Tauria, Missouri when she was born.

Mildreds aunt Myrtle Bass was married to William L. Welch. Their nephew Lester Davis (mother Laura Welch m. Fish Davis) was the father of Mildreds daughter, the couple were to get married at one point, unknown why it did not happen. Mildred was sent to a home for wayward mothers in Detroit. She would never talk about the father, but it was common knowledge in the large families that they were courting. Now DNA matched.

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